
Showing posts from April, 2021
 Dropped water filled balloon animation:
 Final Show reel:
 Final Boudicca Animation For my final outcome, I've created a 10 second animated that has sound. I've added a rustling sound to suggest how Boudicca's clothes make a slight sound when she moves. Also, I've added a crunching sound for when Boudicca and her adopted mother walk over grass. I think these sounds are effective as they have added further uses of texture to my animation.  However, I do believe that my final animation could of been improved even further by adding sounds when there is close up of Boudicca's face. Also, I could of added some music in the background that links to their time period. 
 Propellant Balloon Animation: For this task, I've used some post it notes to create a short animation that shows a propellant balloon.  Before animating, I've made live action video that I could use as referencing.  I think this animation is successful because I've presented the unpredictable movement of the balloon. Also, to show how the air is leaving the balloon, I've altered it's proportions and added linework. To improve this animation, I believe that I could of applied more detail to the balloon. Such as applying mark making or tone. 
 10 second Animation:
 Walk Cycle: I've continued with the walk cycle task by creating this animation which shows my monster character walking across the screen.  I believe that my animation is successful because I've applied the uses of squash and stretch to the monster's arms and legs. Another principle that is shown within this animation is Secondary Action. This can be seen by how the monsters hair is moving as he walks. To add some more realism to this cartoon character, I've made him blink.  I like how this animation has turned out because I think the line work is consistent.  I think this animation could be improved even further by adding a background. This background would have to be moved slightly within each frame to create the illusion of the character walking through an environment. 
 I've continued to develop my final outcome by creating a sketched animation that shows Boudicca and her adopted mother walking to her new home. At this stage, the animation has been lightly sketched out because I've focused on making these two characters become smaller as they walk away.  So far, I do believe that this animation is successful because I've thought about proportion and realism. To improve this animation, I need to add more detail to the clothing and to the roundhouses roof. By adding this detail, I will be applying the uses of pattern and texture. Also, I need to improve this animation by starting to animate the movement of their legs and feet. I'm going to use my previous walk cycle work as a guidance when doing this.
Follow through and overlapping action:  
 Pendulum Swing: For this task, I've used Adobe Animate to create a short animation of a pendulum swinging. I've created this animation to show the principle of slow in and slow out.  I've used more frames for the start and end of this animation to make the swing move slowly. The middle of this animation has a small amount of frames which makes the swing move faster. For this animation, I've had to think about timing to make sure that the pendulum swing changes speed. 
 Staging: For this piece of work, I've created a short animation that present the uses of staging. Staging is important because it allows the viewer to know which character to focus on within a scene.  My animation shows a two girls walking into the scene to blow some bubbles. The characters walk into the scene at different times. I've done this so that viewers know which character to focus on. If I'd drawn them entering the scene at the same time, we might not know which character to focus on.  Therefore, when making this animation, I've learnt that timing is important. 
Straight ahead and pose to pose:  
Solid Drawing: For this task, I've created small illustrations of my Boudicca character to present an example of solid drawing. Solid drawing can be useful within animation because it allows you get your character's shape and proportion right.  I think my sketches are successful because I've broken down my character into 3D shapes. This has helped me to make sure that my characters appearance is consistent.  To improve my work, I think that I should of drawn over these illustration with a fine liner. This would made these illustrations stand out more whilst presenting the shapes that are used for this character.  
Boudicca Pencil Animation:
 Secondary Action: The Principle that I've focused on for this task is Secondary Action. This principle has been suggested based on how the cat's tail strikes up when it's shocked. To emphasise on this emotion even further, the cat's eyes become larger, it's mouth widens and there are lines surrounding its face.  I think this animation is successful because the linework appears to be quite consistent. Also, I've added a hint of detail on the mat to add some pattern work to this piece.  I believe that making this animation has been useful because I've now started to think about how a character's emotions can be visually communicated by applying small details that present their body language.